- No bathing/swimming/soaking the incisions for 4 weeks as soaking the incisions can impair healing
- You can shower two days after surgery; the first two days after surgery we want you to keep the incisions dry except for the twice daily peroxide cleanings and the antibiotic ointment
- If forehead or facelift surgery is performed, use baby shampoo for the first week. Note that it may take 3-4 shampoos before the water runs clear. You can switch to your normal shampoo after one week
- Do not use conditioner for the first two weeks after surgery
- If there is a nasal cast in place, keep it dry so it doesn’t fall off too early
- Do not pick at any crusts or sutures. Do not scrub incisions. Be delicate.
- For the first week, wash your face with an antibacterial soap like Dial
- After the first week, use a mild skin cleanser without fragrances like Cetaphil or Neutrogena for the face. Again, be delicate while cleaning